Tuesday, February 9, 2010


There seems to be a dispute between the above mentioned companies with regards to the mark 'FUEL'. VLCC seems to have acquired the mark from a businessman, Mr. Mahesh Chaudhary int he year 2006.

L'oreal is reported to have acquired the same fromt he same individual. If true, both of these companie shave been duped. The next question is whether they can co-exist within the ambit of Section 12 of the Trademarks Act, 1999?

A hearing is scheduled at the Delhi High Court in the future....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The Lok Sabha, the lower House of the Indian Parliament has passed an amendment to the Trademarks Act wherein the country could sign the Madrid Protocol within the next year.

This is huge step forward as it would enable MNC's to file for trademark protection in India using the Madrid system. In the current economic scenario where we see Indian Companies forging ahead with Merger & Acquisition, this move could prove to be beneficial for Indian Companies as well.

Apple Files iPad Design Trademarks - Patently Apple

Apple Files iPad Design Trademarks

SPICY IP: Asked not to Dial : Just Dial Accuses Askme of Data Theft

SPICY IP: Asked not to Dial : Just Dial Accuses Askme of Data Theft